A Peek Inside Kings Come Forth November 01 2014
Author’s Prayer
May the Lord empower all who read this book by the anointing of His Holy Spirit to be an overcoming servant leader who prevails with God in the business marketplace.
And He [God] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.
—Daniel 2:21
A Make It Happen Dedication
This Make It Happen Book™ is dedicated to all of the godly leaders in business who every day fight the good fight of faith in the marketplace to honor God with their gifts and talents and bring Him glory by the way they represent Jesus Christ to the business community. As a business leader for many years, I have personally experienced the challenges and struggles that godly men and women face each day to practically live their faith and build the kingdom of God in the business world. I know firsthand that the marketplace environment can be a difficult and challenging place for people of faith to travel their faith journey; however, I also know that the marketplace is where the Lord is raising up kings in these last days to build His kingdom, glorify His holy name, and take the good news of the kingdom to the whole world. And the really cool thing about this chaordic frontier (the spiritual battleground where chaos meets order and good meets evil) is that kingdom ambassadors get to play an awesome part in this marketplace revival as the Lord changes the hearts of modern-day kings and revolutionizes the business world for His glory. All praise, glory, and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords, forever and ever! Amen and amen!
I was first introduced to Gary Borgstede while attending a small group of local community business leaders five years ago. In short order, we became friends, and over the next few years I had the privilege of helping to coach Gary in the ways of the kingdom of God. At the time, Gary was vice president of finance at a very reputable hospital in our region. Over time, Gary began to share with me his fifteen-year journey in the healthcare industry. Because of my own experience and background working in a corporate environment before making the transition into full-time ministry, his story captivated my attention.
In Kings Come Forth, Gary addresses the delicate interfacing of the kingdom-minded business leader with the marketplace environment. He squarely and with scriptural precedent challenges business leaders to use their God-given positions to be change agents in their respective spheres of market influence. In our litigious world of exactness and political correctness, most Christian business leaders, out of fear, have a tendency to skirt the perimeter of their business environments and shy away from integrating real biblical standards and values. This is understandable. However, there is a real need for godly, Christian business people to rise to the occasion of desperate moral, character, and spiritual need in the world of business and facilitate change. As a pastor, I applaud those who are out on the highways and byways of the business world who are bold enough, with godly wisdom and a spiritually deft hand, to take a stand and entreat a spiritual climate change.
To affect this change, Gary explores the scriptural links between kings and priests and addresses the roles that each play and how they are to work together in advancing the kingdom. Gary addresses the frequently tentative nature of church leaders to properly understand and embrace the role the marketplace leader has and, as such, underutilize their God-given talents and marginalize them in their churches. Gary submits a challenge to church leaders to understand that God throughout Scripture placed kings and priests together for divine kingdom partnership. As a church leader who has been in ministry for more than twenty years, I have personally experienced the benefit of partnering with many wonderful, Christ centered business leaders. I have had the opportunity to see the kingdom of God advanced and accelerated due to business leaders who realized their business acumen and talent were not just for their personal enrichment but, rather, for the advancement of the greatest cause on planet earth.
Gary Borgstede embodies the essence and balance of the corporate business leader and one who partners with the vision and mission of his local church with his time, talent, and treasure. Gary does not live in the world of concepts, ideas, and theories of being a king, but each day he lives it out as a servant leader in his natural and spiritual families. Today, Gary serves on our church staff as the chief administrative officer and has the opportunity to serve his local church from within the organization. He is challenging us all to “make it happen!”
- Randy Craighead, Executive Pastor, Church of the King
For more than nineteen years, I have served the Lord as a king in His kingdom in the realm of business. As with many leaders of faith written about in the Bible, I have had my share of successes and failures on my personal faith journey. This book, Kings Come Forth!, is not about my successes nor my failures as a man of God in the Lord’s kingdom; however, I am open and transparent regarding many aspects of my personal relationship with the Lord. In The Maxwell Leadership Bible, one of John Maxwell’s leadership lessons includes this statement, “Without hope in the future, we lack power in the present.”1 With that in mind, I believe that the Lord has directed me to write Kings Come Forth! to inspire hope for the future and foster empowerment in the present for the many spirit-filled business leaders in God’s kingdom on earth today.
The Holy Spirit has compelled me to write the message contained within the pages of this book as His message, not mine, from the perspective of a king in His kingdom. Through personal fellowship with the Lord, I believe it is His desire to awaken His anointed kings to their original purpose in the kingdom business through healthy kingdom partnership with His anointed priests. Since my educational background and professional experiences are entirely comprised in business, all supporting references to Scripture and biblical principles in the book are not the result of a formal Bible college education, but rather a real personal relationship with the actual Author of the Holy Scriptures, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Any personal revelation of the Scriptures is because of the Lord’s faithfulness to fulfill the promise of His Word to personally lead His people into all truth and teach them all things through His Holy Spirit. For me, there is no greater fulfillment than that which comes from the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit through my personal daily relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord, Savior, and Friend.
In developing the literary style of the book, it is also very important to note that while I discriminately refer to godly business leaders throughout the entire book in the masculine form as kings, my purpose in doing so is nothing more than a matter of literary prose and contextual consistency and not a lack of respect for the many outstanding Spirit-filled female business leaders in the kingdom of God. In fact, I know full well that the business community is filled with many intelligent, competent, and influential business leaders who are outstanding women of faith committed to making a difference in life through their leadership. Therefore, for all of the female readers of Kings Come Forth!, please feel free to mentally substitute the context of the book from a masculine reference point of kings to a feminine reference point of queens since all of the material contained within these pages is completely gender neutral as well as kingdom applicable.
And lastly, as each reader begins to digest the message of Kings Come Forth! I pray that the Holy Spirit will fan into flame a renewed desire to become everything He created you to be as a Spirit-led business leader in His kingdom. To come forth in the power and might of the Holy Spirit and fulfill your God-ordained kingdom assignment as a king in God’s kingdom can be one of the most rewarding aspects of your personal faith journey with the Lord. I look forward to taking this faith journey with you to build God’s kingdom in every sphere of influence, especially the sphere of the modern-day business world.
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Kings Come Forth! by Gary Borgstede
Published by Excel Books, A Strang Company
600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked NLT are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.
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Scripture quotations marked WEY are from the Weymouth Bible, The New Testament in Modern Speech, by Richard Francis Weymouth. Copyright © 1939 by James Clarke Co., publishers.
Cover design by Justin Evans
Design Director: Bill Johnson
Copyright © 2010 by Gary Borgstede. All rights reserved
Visit author’s website: www.makeithappenlearninginstitute.com
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010940915
International Standard Book Number: 978-1-61638-440-1
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